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    BIG 5 Competition Update

    July 26, 2012 2 min read

    BIG 5 Competition Update

    Read previous blogs on this topic:

    We're not even half way through the BIG 5 competition, but already we have seen some fantastic fish weighed in! Click here for photos.

    If you haven't heard of the BIG 5 competition, let me give you a brief run down...

    • FIRST online spearfishing competition
    • 4 main competition caetgories - Big 5, Reef 5, Game 5, Junior 5
    • 20 prize categories including overall winner, biggest fish, most species, category winners, best photo, best video, meritorious and MANY more
    • $15,000 worth of prizes from TOP sponsors like GBR Bluewater Charters in Cairns, DiveR fins, Rob Allen, Beuchat, Ocean Hunter, GoPro and MUCH more

    What fish do I need to get?

    There are 4 comp categories with individual prizes for each category,as well as a major prize for the overall winner with a trip out of Cairns with GBR Bluewater Charters. The fish in each category are:

    Reef 5: Snapper, Parrot fish, Jobfish, Mangrove Jack, Tuskfish/Baldchin Grouper

    Big 5: Amberjack/Sampson Fish, Dolphin Fish, Cobia, Jewfish/Dhu fish, Kingfish

    Game 5: Spanish, Wahoo, Trevally, Dogtooth Tuna, Tuna other

    Junior 5: Zebrafish/Luderick, Bream/Tarwine, Flathead, Morwong, Wildcard (any other fish from any other category)

    How do I enter?!

    It's REALLY easy. Take a photo of your  catch on a set of scales with your dive watch or the daily newspaper next to it (to prove the date) and upload it to the Adreno Facebook pageASAP. That's it!

    What other categories should I think about?

    Don't forget that there are over 20 prize categories. Some other categories you should consider entering include:

    • Most meritorious miscellaneous senior and junior: just enter ANY fish by weighing it in (like normal) and you could win a set of DiveR fins
    • Best Photo: weigh your fish in, and get a nice picture of it too and you could win a GoPro2!
    • Best video: catch all of the fish you have weighed in on film, put together a clip and you could win a GoPro2!
    • Biggest Crayfish: The weight to beat currently is 2.7kg

    The competition currently has 25 competitors in the opens category, and 3 entrants in the juniors category. The current winner has only weighed in THREE species - you've still got until the end of the year to beat this and take home some MASSIVE prizes.

    What are you waiting for?? You've got to be in it to win it and the competition is still anyone's for the taking....