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    Big 5 Spearfishing Competition - November Update

    December 15, 2016 1 min read

    The year is almost up, which means time is running out to jump on the Adreno BIG 5 competition scoreboard. We’ve had no movement in the pointy end of the leaderboard since the last update, but there have been some great captures coming in. Harrison Kelly notched up a few new nice specimens to move him up the board a little, and we had a new entrant make the most epic of introductions as Jenni Budworth nailed a 26.5kg Mulloway as her first entry on the BIG 5 scoreboard and one for the meritorious category for sure!

    We’ll announce this years’ winners in another blog post soon, but in the mean time we hope you’re all enjoying the warmer weather and jumping in to see what’s below! Don’t forget to visit our website for all your summer spearing needs, or for that last minute Christmas gift!

    Trevor Ketchion 6,584.20
    Aaron Puckeridge 5,573.00
    Duncan Limpus 3,912.45
    Jade Dean 3,897.75
    Keiren Limpus 3,629.50
    Brett Gamlin 2,370.61
    Chris Barnes 2,131.33
    Rhys Drury 2,130.45
    Josh Stevens 2,056.88
    Cal Spearo 1,669.50
    Woody Falls 1,471.65
    Jason Stevens 1,459.63
    Rachel Vercoe 1,258.40
    Dandre Kilian 1,183.85
    Ben Coy 1,152.75
    Branton Brown 1,114.20
    Waade Madigan 1,092.50
    Jeremy Littler 1,055.75
    Nathan Watson 1,051.53
    Harrison Kelly 609.05
    Tim Neilsen 573.50
    Jenni Budworth 465.00
    Trent Bailey 437.30
    Benn Jillet 281.25
    Emma Kathleen 238.50
    Emma Peterson 230.75
    Matt Duffy 210.66