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    Big 5 Spearfishing competition Update

    July 22, 2016 2 min read

    Big 5 Spearfishing competition Update

    We’re here for another BIG 5 update, and we’ve had some movement in the leaderboard. Trevor Ketchion has almost been caught, as Aaron Puckeridge tallied up some wonderful captures over the last few weeks including this beautiful cobia and tuskfish. The two have opened up a healthy lead on previous leader Jade Dean but it’s certainly not over yet, in fact, we hope it’s just warming up!

    Which is also what’s happening with the water, the chill is gone from the air and we hope it stays put so we all can jump back in the water without the fear of freezing to death upon exit. Winter is proving to be a fantastic opportunity to notch up some cold water species onto your BIG 5 tally, and make the most of a time where some might prefer the Sunday markets over a Sunday spear.

    Our BIG 5 competition runs all year, so there’s still plenty of time to chase down Trevor and Aaron and make your way into the leader’s position. The best way to success in the BIG 5 is diversity. Don’t try for upgrades unless it’s a serious one, you’d be much better off to tick off a couple of extra species.

    As always, stay safe on the water and we’ll catch you again in a few weeks for another BIG 5 update.

    See the full list of Big 5 rules & entry requirements here.


    Trevor Ketchion 5,509.20
    Aaron Puckeridge 5,405.85
    Jade Dean 2,469.35
    Duncan Limpus 2,335.50
    Josh Stevens 2,056.88
    Rhys Drury 1,721.20
    Brett Gamlin 1,504.51
    Woody Falls 1,471.65
    Rachel Vercoe 1,258.40
    Dandre Kilian 1,183.85
    Ben Coy 1,152.75
    Cal Spearo 1,149.25
    Branton Brown 1,114.20
    Waade Madigan 1,092.50
    Keiren Limpus 1,069.65
    Jeremy Littler 1,055.75
    Chris Barnes 865.33
    Nathan Watson 685.20
    Jason Stevens 658.83
    Tim Neilsen 573.50
    Trent Bailey 437.30
    Benn Jillet 281.25
    Emma Kathleen 238.50
    Emma Peterson 230.75
    Matt Duffy 210.66
    Harrison Kelly 196.50