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    My Beuchat Wetsuit - Love at first try

    April 14, 2011 1 min read

    With the water becoming a few degrees colder than what us QLD'ers are used too its time for divers to dig out their cooler weather gear.

    Beuchat Shark

    I dive with a 5mm Beuchat Focea Comfort and I could not recommend it any more!

    Just this morning I went diving with a few buddies, the water temp was around 22ºC (which for those used to 25ºC waters is a little shock to the system first thing in the morning!). After a 55 minute dive I surfaced with a great big smile on my face, while some of my dive buddies surfaced with the chills.

    Many people think my obsession with Sharks is a little left-of-field, it seems im starting to grow an equally strange obsession with my wetsuit. It fits like a second skin, it keeps me warm and doesn't make me look like a glorified truck diver with long hair. Bonus!

    Having said that, I am originally from Victoria so I am no stranger to cold water. I will have to wait and see how my Beuchat holds up as the cooler waters continue to roll in.

    Daa Dum,

    Sarah Shark