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    Sarah Shark Episode 2 at ODEX – The countdown is on … Yikes!

    October 03, 2011 2 min read

    Stemming from the online success of Episode 1 - Wobbegong the Forgotton Shark - the Sarah Shark crew have been busy researching, filming, diving and editing Episode 2.

    For those who follow us on Facebook you would undoubtedly know about our trip down to South Australia to swim in Great White Shark infested waters.

    For those who don't know (shame on you!) but, never fear, our trailer should get you up to speed...

    Sarah Shark Episode 2 Trailer from kieren curry on Vimeo.

    This Episode will be premiering at ODEX at the Brisbane RNA Showgrounds on Sunday the 9th October. So after your done hassling the Adreno guys, stop by at our stall to say hey!

    Episode 2 is currently with our sound tech Charley Thorley over in the UK, where he is writing and fitting custom music to the film. So in light of the upcoming release, I thought I would share with you a few behind the scenes moments we've had while filming Episode 2...

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    While the trip to South Australia was incredible we still had plenty of work to do back here on the gold coast....

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Sarah Shark Great White Shark

    Over the past few months, I believe I speak for the whole Sarah Shark crew when I say the filming of this Episode was a fun, intense and valuable step in our learning curve. Don't forget to check out our facebook page (and push the LIKE button!) at www.facebook.com/sarahsharkproject where we'll upload many embarrassing (for me) behind the scenes videos and our usual 'cheesy' trailers leading up to the launch!

    From Episode 2 you can expect an eclectic mix on animation, live film, stunning underwater imagery and custom made music featuring;

    • Gold Coast Shark Nets - what do they really do?
    • Gold Coast public poll of Shark nets
    • Australian Giant Cuttlefish mating and Kingfish Aquaculture farms in SA
    • The Great White Sharks of Neptune Islands - my first time!
    Be the first to see it (and to see me crap myself on stage) on Sunday 9th October at ODEX. Im up right after Rodney Fox at 3:00pm!

    See you all there!

    Always, Sarah Shark www.sarahshark.com